Monday, April 14, 2008

Street Cars the New Fad in Transportation?

Columbus may be bringing back the old street car system as a relief to the gas prices we're now experiencing. That's an interesting concept... It's like fashion, what was once old is new again. If you're from this area you can read the article published by The Columbus Dispatch : When Street Cars Ruled. For those history buffs who just want to be in the know, you can find the history of Street Cars in Columbus at the Columbus Railroads website. Personally, I have never been one for public transportation. First and foremost I hate the thought of not being able to get someplace in an emergency, in a timely fashion. Having had a short handful of those daunting phone calls from police or hospital emergency personnel the thought of not being able to run out to my car and get where I need to be frightens me. However, with gas prices heading to the $4.00 per gallon mark, my logic and conservative side says this may be an option worth pursuing. With the potential fare of $1.00 as compared to what gas and "parking" costs, the monetary savings is an option worth looking at. ....providing I never have any more of those heart stopping phone calls.

On a lighter side, do you read the Opus Cartoon in the Sunday Paper...This cartoon was puplished in The Columbus Dispatch on the 13th. It is sooooo funny and soooo true. Click on the image to see the larger file. My kids used to hate me when they were growing up because they had to be in tears from pain before they were given an aspirin. I have always been of the mind set that we as parents promote our kids to take drugs because if they get a sniffle we give them a pill. If they have pain, we give them a pill. If they are too active, we give them a pill. It's no wonder that some of today's society can't deal with anything and have to take so many pills. We did it to them by insinuating to them that if something is wrong a pill will make it all better. Whatever happened to picking them up and giving them hugs or kissing it better? Whatever happened to talking to your mom or dad about your first break up or whatever is troubling you... When I was growing up we were very poor and we only went to the doctor when something was "really" wrong with us that a few sweet oil drops or a band-aid couldn't fix. Now kids think that if they are hurt they need a pill to make it better. It's no wonder that drug abuse is where it is now. What ever happened to being a good role model? There are several resources available to parents. One really good one is Preventing Drug Abuse Among Children and Adolescents hosted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. There is another one The Family Guide To Keeping Youth Mentally Healthy and Drug Free. Both are excellent resources. Wow, enough of my political agenda ramblings.

I went to the grocery yesterday with a list of "needs" to food, kitty litter, milk, bread, eggs, allergy medication....and spent over $150 after the coupons were deducted. Out of curiosity I went through bank statements to see what I was spending this time last month.... For basically the same things my bill has increased $60.00. I say basically the same things because I am a creature of habit...I fix the same things over and over, use the same toiletries, cleaning products, etc. It's incredible how much things have gone up in price....good whole grain bread is up to $3.00 a loaf, half of which gets thrown out because it gets stale before it gets eaten. It's too bad that they don't make half loaves.

Well that's enough for now. Here is today's freebie: Tan Painted Metal Swirls. They coordinate with DigiSkrapNMomma's Chocolate Covered Cherries Kit that is available in her store. Hope you enjoy them.

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